The majority of donations received at homeless charities are for men, so we’re collecting donations for women.
The Barn Coffee Shop & Restaurant staff at South Downs Nurseries, Hassocks, would like your help. We’re asking everyone to clear out their cupboards and donate their old handbags, and anything else that would benefit women on the streets.
We’re ‘bagging up’ bundles to be donated to local charity Off The Fence, and distributed to homeless women on the streets of Brighton & Hove.
Items could include:
Handbags, shampoo, soaps, shower gels, deodorants, toothbrushes & toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, sun screen, clean t-shirts etc. Items don't have to be new, it could be last year's remaining sunscreen if you've bought a new bottle this year, or that bottle of shampoo that's been in the cupboard that you're never going to use because you don't like the smell.
We'll be collecting unwanted bags and toiletries all summer. Everything is gratefully received. Please drop your donations to the Barn Coffee Shop & Restaurant at South Downs Nurseries, Hassocks.