Message from TV Horticulturalist David Domoney

20/03/20 News

Well-known TV presenter and Horticulturalist David Domoney has reached out with the following message and video, about the importance of your garden and garden centres in the local community:

"During this difficult time, the importance of our gardens in boosting our mental and physical wellbeing while at home is essential. The nature on our doorstep can provide us with so much to enhance our quality of life, and we must encourage everyone to partake in nature-inspired garden pursuits. Our garden centres across the UK, employ thousands of people and they sit at the heart of their local communities. And it is during difficult times that these community focused businesses are more important than ever. Whether people pick up the phone for gardening advice, get deliveries to their door, or choose to visit their local store or visit their local stores web site, garden centres provide something to inspire and support every generation. Whether it’s garden craft activities for kids, teaching them more about plants and wildlife, growing their own fresh food or simply enjoying plants that brighten our homes both inside and out. I believe that garden centres have so much to offer. Please stay safe and enjoy your garden."

David Domoney

CLICK HERE to watch David's message on YouTube