Juliet Sargeant brings Sussex Garden School to South Downs Nurseries

22/02/18 News

Chelsea Gold Medal Winner, TV Presenter and Judge on Channel 4's Village of the Year, Juliet Sargeant, is bringing her Sussex Garden School to South Downs Nurseries in 2018. 

Tasty Garden Talks 

Renowned Chelsea Gold Medal winning garden designer, TV presenter and judge of Ch4’s Village of the Year, Juliet Sargeant, delivers an easy way to learn more about your garden.

Juliet has teamed up with Sam Matthews (former chef to Pavarotti & The Three Tenors) to create a surprising taster menu and talk. Juliet will introduce you to common garden plants that you can eat, while Sam serves up delicious tasters to whet your appetite.

Easy Garden Workshops 

Renowned Chelsea Gold Medal winning garden designer, TV presenter and judge of Ch4’s Village of the Year, Juliet Sargeant, delivers an easy way to learn more about your garden.

See our events page for dates and times, or to book online, visit