There are a number of conifers grown commercially as Christmas trees but by far the most popular are Picea abies (Norway Spruce), and Abies nordmanniana (Nordmann Fir). Â
The following tips should enable the trees to be kept in best condition over the festive season.
Cut trees are most common and easiest way of buying your Christmas Tree. Follow these steps to ensure you get the longest life possible out of your tree:
1. After purchasing, de-net as soon as possible.
2. Saw approximately 1″ off the butt to allow the tree to absorb water and to remain fresh.
3. Place in a clamped stand or bucket and fill with water or damp compost.
4. Keep outdoors as long as possible. Continue to water and spray all over with water daily until shortly before taking indoors.
5. Once indoors, place the tree in a cool position as far away from radiators as possible.
Remember, a cut tree is essentially a giant cut-flower. Our trees come to us freshly cut, so shouldn’t be older than a few days, which helps a lot compared to some other suppliers. Even so, the vascular system that draws water up into the tree may have clogged. Cutting just a ¼ inch off the bottom of the trunk will remove the clogs and open up the vascular system again. You can cut more off, if you need to for height reasons. A simple, straight cut is all that is needed. Drilling holes or cutting at angles will not improve how well the Christmas tree takes up water.
Once you have cut the trunk of the Christmas tree, the cut has to stay moist. Make sure to fill the stand immediately after you cut the trunk. To make a your tree last longer, just use plain water. Studies have shown that plain water will work just as well as water with a supplement added. Check the Christmas tree stand twice a day; it is important that the stand’s water reservoir stays full. A Christmas tree stand normally holds a rather small amount of water and a Christmas tree can quickly use up the water in the stand.
Another important part of making your tree last longer is to choose a good location in your house. Place the tree away from heating vents or cold drafts. Constant heat or fluctuating temperatures can speed the drying out of a tree. Also avoid placing the tree in direct, strong sunlight. The sunlight can also make the tree fade faster.